0 x Frost key

Discussion in 'Help' started by thejammydodger, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. thejammydodger

    thejammydodger Forum Greenhorn


    I used the free code and got
    2013-12-19 20:25:33
    Goods purchased: 0 x Frost key

    Please advise

    Cheers, Jammy

    User ID: 39/25801156
  2. seavixin

    seavixin Forum Apprentice

    after using the free code i got this message:
    2013-12-19 14:18:32
    Goods purchased: 0 x Frost key

    how do i get my keys?
    Thanks, Seavixin

    User ID:

  3. randyslagle

    randyslagle Forum Greenhorn

    ive had the same problem

    User ID:146/27766579
  4. shz0fren

    shz0fren Forum Greenhorn

    2013-12-19 21:10:56Goods purchased: 0 x Frost key
    User ID: 39/41840675

    same problem
  5. Cyerion

    Cyerion Active Author

    2013-12-19 23:37:06
    Goods purchased: 0 x Frost key

    39/41827399 hope u ll fix Ty
  6. Toki

    Toki Forum Greenhorn

    2013-12-19 18:43:37Goods purchased: 0 x Frost key

    40/12765299 Please fix it! -thank you

    TEX~BULL User

    There is an issue with the code and it is being worked on. Watch fo ran Official Announcemnet for further informaiton.

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