
Discussion in 'Help' started by *GRUDGE*, May 13, 2014.

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  1. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    This question is for the Mods:

    Can you tell us why the dev team is ignoring our pleas to repair the game and stop adding things that have been resulting in more problems? We would like to have our islands back. We would like to have the correct number of pirates back and the ability to equip and use them. We would like to have the dates corrected on the expiration of our voodoo deck. We would like to go into the bonus maps without finding double the npc's. We would like the admirals to rep at normal speed. Oh and the lag when we have several boats fighting at one time, we would like to see that fixed.
    Again, the question is, why is the dev team ignoring us when we say "stop adding to the game. Fix what we have"?
    .†SĨŊŊBλφ. likes this.
  2. .†SĨŊŊBλφ.

    .†SĨŊŊBλφ. Junior Expert

    Here here! I second this motion. Please fix the game before introducing more add ons that ultimately just create more problems. Great post GRUDGE!
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Whilst we understand your frustration, unfortunately we are not the ones that decide on these updates. We are the forum team and support players in their queries, we are not the developers, we have no say in how the game is set up.

    The developers are the ones who make the game as it is and they are the ones who have made the changes.

    You should however place your feedback in the appropriate feedback thread in the discussion section on the forum as that is where the developers go to see what the players are saying about the updates on the game.

    Please use the user to user section of the forum to post your comments.

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