60 cannons

Discussion in 'Help' started by Miguel.Bastos[Fdm], Aug 10, 2014.

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  1. Miguel.Bastos[Fdm]

    Miguel.Bastos[Fdm] Forum Greenhorn

    hi, when almirant 60 canons appear on market? last mega had and i dont knew it, and now i spend money for nothing... :s
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    If I understand you correctly, you're asking when the admiral cannons will appear in the event market on the MHH? if this is the case, then I'm sorry but as moderators we don't get prior knowledge to this information.

    But as witnessing as a player my self, they seem to come out fairly regulary.

    I hope this helps you :)
  3. By default, with some exceptions, Admiral cannons, usually appear each first Sunday of the month during MHH in the event market. At least that's the case on Global Europe 3.
  4. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker

    As no reply from the player, I shall close.

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