Feedback A Christmas Peril - Frozen Abyss

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Dec 10, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *LittleBustaRhymes*!

    Its not that much...

    1st boss on 5th wave - 1 Christmas Memories
    2nd boss on 10th wave - 15 Christmas Memories
    3rd boss on 15th wave - 155 Christmas Memories
    A total of 166 to be gained per map that take you slightly over 1 hour once you have most of the buffs.

    onderwatervis likes this.
  2. onderwatervis

    onderwatervis Forum Apprentice

    took a lot of time to level up debuffs not fun to play if you don't have much time to play too bad
  3. stokvisje

    stokvisje Forum Apprentice

    many players don't appear in wave 5 it costs so much to play that map it would be better if the buffs didn't go away on your boat if you wanted to do something else
  4. *LittleBustaRhymes*

    *LittleBustaRhymes* Forum Apprentice

    put more than 20 hours into it so far, still cant make it to wave 10, so yes, it is that hard, its crazy actually
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    We are constantly forwarding your feedback regarding the abyss.

    I am hoping that all of you have tried the 20% Damage Prevention buff, as this is a game changed when it comes to the amount of waves completed.

  6. *LittleBustaRhymes*

    *LittleBustaRhymes* Forum Apprentice

    yes lets throw away 150 gifts every time we log into this map, knowing now full well that you can only complete this map with Bob Cratchet.
  7. ђลωк4667☣ƒмƒ☣

    ђลωк4667☣ƒмƒ☣ Forum Greenhorn


    English only please.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 15, 2024
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *LittleBustaRhymes*!

    Thats not true, you can complete this map with any companion as long as you have them upgraded...

  9. *LittleBustaRhymes*

    *LittleBustaRhymes* Forum Apprentice

    Really, i have all companions at lvl 3-4 in all categories, the only one that doesnt get smashed by npc is Bob Cratchet, unless you want to spend a bunch of keys to open chests, pick up the shinies, or harpoon the monsters, even then, you need to spend alot of time waiting for your amulets to recharge so you can waste those aswell, plz, any Real and Accurate information to help us players other than saying it is easy once you spen 80 hours making the presents to upgrade your companions?
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *LittleBustaRhymes*!

    This map is completely FREE, it does not require any sort of Amulets to be used (when using Bob), you can simply range your targets.

    When you range your targets your Bob will heal some of the HP / VP you've lost fighting previous NPC.

    What I do recommend at first is investing only within Bob companion till you can master it.

    Your Bob should have (beginning):

    4/10 in Festive Cheer (this one grants your certain amount of HP after each NPC kill)
    3/10 in Cratchit's Barrage (this one grants you a bit of HP / VP from every hit done by Bob)
    1/10 in Family Bond (this one grants you a chance for the damage received to be lower)
    + Your own buff need to be set at least 2/3 in Damage Prevention, with such set you'll be able to complete boss 1 and boss 2 without any problems.

    I personally played with Bob and did all 15 waves without much trouble multiple times.

    If you join the dungeon with Winifred but you wanted a Bob simply defeat 1 NPC, use purple portal to leave and join in again.

    Note: I do not collect glitters, ice floes or chests before wave 11.

    Hope that helps.

  11. Rymar , Open Bucaner market vip??
  12. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy ™义ΜØŇҜ€¥•Ð•ÐRAĞØЙ义™!

    The only special market we've got right now is the Frozen Abyss one.

    We have no further information if there will be anything else included within the game during this event.

  13. G-dude

    G-dude Regular

    Any advice on wave 15?
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy G-dude!

    Every time you see that black minion - kill it, if you wont it will replicate causing even more damage to you.

    Try your best to avoid the white circle that move around as it hit hard, dont sit within the purple ones as these explode too causing some damage.

    Other than that hit boss -> minion -> boss -> minion -> boss -> avoid / sink chains -> minion -> boss etc.

  15. G-dude

    G-dude Regular

    What purpose do these items serve?
    - Colorful Candy
    - Bloodred Roses

    Thank you! That is very helpful.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 17, 2024
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy G-dude!

    These are quest items required for some event tasks.

  17. -BigBadWolf-

    -BigBadWolf- Someday Author

    In the patch the player buffs were extended to 24hrs. How can i see when they expire? Also, how does upgrading one buff at different times affect the expiration time, for example i upgrade one and then 1 hour later i upgrade the same buff to the next level.
  18. *®ichard828694*

    *®ichard828694* Forum Apprentice

    Still problems to finish wave 15 of the dungeons. I tried to hit the minions -> boss etc. but the whole time getting hit by something results in dead after a few minutes. more tips are welcome
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy -BigBadWolf-!

    It loos like these last for 24 hours since the time you purchased your 1st buff.

    Ahoy *®ichard828694*!

    Do you have you Bob on 10/10 10/10 10/10 + your buffs on 3/3 in damage prevention and 3/3 in speed?

    If the answer is no then grind more gift boxes and try again.

    Wave 15 require a lot of upgrades as well as a bit of skill to be completed.

  20. *®ichard828694*

    *®ichard828694* Forum Apprentice

    okay i'm almost at that point.

    thanks Rymar