Feedback A Christmas Peril - Frozen Abyss

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Dec 10, 2024.

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  1. Gunnery_Sec†

    Gunnery_Sec† Forum Apprentice

    Do you also know which Ship-Design is in the Candy Cane glitters?
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Gunnery_Sec†!

    No sorry, I will try to find out but can't promise anything.

    I never had a single ship design from waves 11-14 yet.

  3. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    I had Bob Cratchit with me in map, but he didn't do anything that I could see. Didn't heal me and didn't shoot at any NPCs. So what good is he? Also, you said "avoid chains" - how do I do that, as they just suddenly appear and always right under me. I got through two waves and got sunk. I received no healing from Bob whatsoever. All the buffs cost gift boxes, but I don't have any. Where do I get them? Is a purchase required? Cuz I'm not going to spend real money on this, for sure. If that's the case, I guess Seafight is not really "free for everyone to play" as advertised. Bummer. Also Rymar, you speak so glibly about how "easy" this map is - that's nonsense. Good for you with all your level 6 cannons and extensions. Most of us poor people can't compete. The map is not "easy', it's hard - very much so. Maybe someday they'll provide "challenges" that are truly for all players, not just the elite.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    Bob heals a certain % of your HP / VP only when he deal damage on his target, additionally you get certain amount if HP when an NPC is sunk - I recently did the whole dungeon without any problems using Bob.

    You can avoid chains by moving your ship constantly and using Swiftstones (to increase your ship even further) sitting in one place for several second won't help you with that.

    You need to spend your Gift Boxes for Bob's and Yours buffs - without that there will be no good healing or you wont survive to many waves.

    You can obtain Gift Boxes from sinking NPCs, simply jump in do as much NPCs as you can - get sunk - jump back in - get sunk - that's how this map works. After several times you will have enough Gift Boxes to purchase some buffs which makes everything easier.

    You don't have to spend a single $ on this dungeon... its purely free.

    This map is easy - yes it require some time to obtain gift boxes for your upgrades but that's the only bit, and I bet you didn't notice but none of my level 6 cannons or extensions works inside of dungeon. You could open an account of level 1 and jump there - your fire power, ship movement and healing values would be all same as for an account on level 60.

    Within this map everyone are EQUAL.

  5. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    I'll take your word for it Rymar, but I don't have the time (it is the Xmas holiday after all, you know, family get-togethers for 5 days straight, etc.). This dungeon takes much too long for the casual player. I'm actually leaving in an hour for another family event, spent all day hosting one here yesterday. Have another tomorrow AND another on Saturday. Priorities, I guess. Happy Holidays to all, lol!
  6. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    What, I only have to visit the forum, and there will be no time left for playing? I wrote to these developers or whoever they are that we are just wasting our time with these quests in search. It would make it so much easier for the players if the quest itself had a description of where the requested item is obtained. Because there are so many quests that they have already turned us into monkeys, we are not artificial intelligence!
    Write to these artificial intelligences :) in each quest there should be a description of where to get the requested item and from which cards, it will make things much easier for the players. Yesterday in the daily quest for cannons and Bigpoint currency, I wanted to do damage to some Admiral, but from so many quests and time for this game, I didn't even bother to look for him in the forum, because I forgot which cards he appeared on, after all, I am a natural intelligence :)))
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Make sure you don't miss on the newest voucher code ->

    Bawdyn likes this.
  8. PearlJammer

    PearlJammer Forum Apprentice

    Yeah, no avoiding the black holes, they always pop up right under and Bob's nowhere to be found to do damage and heal. Had this multiple times after riding out the 14 waves before it. One of the worst sidegames they've ever introduced.
  9. Mav®o-GR

    Mav®o-GR Active Author

    TRANSECTIN LOCKED it was only for 5 times and now we need more items for next quest so ?????npc still not give item
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Mav®o-GR!

    This has been already forwarded but we will have to wait till Monday for a fix.

  11. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    *Edit* they made it on the complicated map Frozen Abyss without saying or writing. I'll waste over 1 hour and on wave 15 they'll make it kill us, I just feel like killing those who screwed it up, especially us!!!
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 30, 2024
  12. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    In the Frozen Abyss challenge, this was stated:
    • Study Boss Mechanics:
      • Each boss has unique abilities. Prepare for their mechanics and bring the right Action Items.
    The only action items I saw that could be used were amulets, rockets, and speed crystals. Were there any other items that one could use?

    Also, on the rankings, I see a player who has 358 points on Eternal Survivor. Does that mean he did over 23 complete 15-wave maps straight without being sunk? And on the "Speedrunner" ranking, I see players with times under 40 minutes. Does that mean they completed all 15 waves in that time?
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025
  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    I did not find any other action items than the one mentioned by you.

    Correct, if a player had 300 ranking points in that one this mean he/she completed 300 waves without being sunk or leaving the dungeon after entering. They did not have to do them in one sitting, just not die or leave once they started a dungeon.

    Regarding the Speed Runner, yes this is correct.

  14. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    You could bring the following:

    • HP Amulets
      • Triton's Blessing
      • Triton's Benevolence
      • Triton's Crown
      • Poseidon's Crown
      • Poseidon's Circlet
    • VP Amulets
      • Ogoun Amulet
      • Agwe Amulet
      • Legba Amulet
      • Simbi Amulet
      • Taureau Amulet
      • Taureau Talisman
    • Speed Items
      • Swiftstone
      • Pumpkin Power
      • Stone of Storms
      • Stormforce
    • Rockets
      • Skyfire
      • Dragonfire
      • Lion's fire
      • Dragonfire Level 2
    • Bombs
      • Voodoo Bomb
      • Homing Mine
      • Voodoo Mine
      • Pressure Cooker
    • Others
      • Unstoppable
      • Blackfire
      • Torpedo Dodge
      • Harbinger of Light
      • Enemy Tracker
    Dream~Crusher and Rymar like this.
  15. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    On our server first place had 490 or something on eternal survivor (30x completing the map and not die once and without stopping)
    The speedrunner ranking was correct yes , I got a run done in 38 min with dragonfire lv2 and homing mines and using enemy tracker and im not that good at the game
    Dream~Crusher likes this.
  16. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    Thank you for this detailed information.