A quest progress disappeared!

Discussion in 'Help' started by EG•ARMY, Sep 9, 2017.

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  1. EG•ARMY

    EG•ARMY Forum Apprentice

    I finished the first 2 quests from Teresa Jones yesterday and have made good progress at the 3rd one, but today I found nothing has been completed and will replay again all quests as If I didn't play at all! how could that happen?
  2. This time, keep a record. Screenshots, Logbook, whatever you can find to prove you have done each quest. In the event this happens again, submit your proof to Support. Has this helped at all?
  3. EG•ARMY

    EG•ARMY Forum Apprentice

    2017-09-08 23:45:21
    The quest has begun. Smooth sailing, Pirate!
    2017-09-08 23:45:11
    You received 2000 x Skull ammunition.
    2017-09-08 23:45:11
    Congratulations! Quest completed.

    that what I managed to get from logbook, as you can see, I finished one and started the another. The next day, I found that I must replay the first one again!
  4. Deloops

    Deloops User

    Hey there EG*ARMY,
    have you tried contacting support regarding your issue?
  5. Copy and paste the entire info. from your logbook regarding that first quest: acceptance through quest completion. This will provide a detailed record that you have participated in, and completed it. Give Support the name of that quest. They can then check the quest details against what you have in your logbook, and credit you for it.

    Keep in mind, you will receive an error message when you submit. The message will be sent. Please be patient, and give it a few days for a reply. Please don't send multiple tickets.

  6. Please also make sure that this was not a daily quest, as it would have reset.

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