Accuracy above 100%?

Discussion in 'Help' started by WakaLaka, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    I feel slightly confused after one of the questions below was answered, so I need urgent clarification.

    As Grand-mariner experienced it:
    And according to the patch notes:
    This is my interpretation, which is consistent with my personal observations and other players who posted about this:

    Since players felt that it was unfair, the damage was made so there is an arbitrary damage variation that makes your damage different, and accuracy is actually calculated before the damage variation is factored in, while the percentages above 100% do contribute towards the overall damage.

    E.g: Damage bonus (castles, gems, skills, etc): 65%, Accuracy 115%,
    Simplified Calculation:
    Damage done = [(Ammo damage + cannon bonuses)* 165% * 115%)] * Arbitrary variation

    So is it not true that accuracy points above 100% do increase your damage?

    If other players who get to compare their own damage with one instance of 100% and another of 110% or above and have clear results I'll be very grateful.

    Thank you ~
  2. ..Diego...[ZSB]

    ..Diego...[ZSB] Forum Greenhorn

    sorry for my english I from PL

    if you have accuracy 100% you shoot e.g.
    30000 to NPC
    but too enemy you shoot 20000 because your enemy have gems Dodge chance e.g. 33%

    if you have acuracy 130% yo shoot e.g.
    30000 to NPC
    but too enemy 29000 because your enemy have gems Dodge chance 33%

    Why is the difference in the volley ??

    your accuracy is 130% - 33% dodge chance enemy = you have 97% accuracy

    you never shoot more than 100%!!

    Here you have a pattern of calculating volleys

    [ number of guns * damage bullets * bonus( gems castels skills...)] * accuracy * Arbitrary variation
    hallowballs (287*20*165%)*100% = 9471 * Arbitrary variation = xxx
    normal elite balls (287*(75+10)*165%)*100%= 40252 * Arbitrary variation = xxx

    Castle 6%
    skills 12% and 15 %
    27% of gunpowder
    15% without dust
    bonus map 5 % 7% = 12 %
    lvl elite 3%
    total 65 % max

    critical hit
    60f cannons level 5 = 20 %
    gunpowder 10%
    gems 17%
    Castle 6%
    skills 6%
    total 59% max

    [ number of guns * damage bullets * {bonus( gems castels skills...)+bonus critical}] * accuracy * Arbitrary variation

    hallowballs (287*20*(165%+59%))*100% = 12857 * Arbitrary variation = xxx

    normal elite balls (287*(75+10)*(165%+59%))*100% = 54644 * Arbitrary variation = xxx

    and too enemy do not shoot it more as I stated above in the example .
    you can shoot less too enemy if your enemy have something that lowers the chances of hitting Pet Tubbok, gems dodge chance ....
    enemy have:
    Pet 15% less + gem 15% = 30%
    you do not have anything to increase the probability of hitting

    100% - 30 %= 70% <-- your accuracy
    you have something to increase the probability of hitting
    pet undine 5% gems hit probability 6% gunpowder 10%
    books for accuracy 10% total 131%

    131%-30% = 101% ~~ 100% Famous accuracy

    I hope that helped
    sorry for the language :D some google translator
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  3. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Has Diego helped resolve your query?
  4. so what is best to use ?
    critical hit ? or hit chance ? on GEMs
  5. ..Diego...[ZSB]

    ..Diego...[ZSB] Forum Greenhorn

    better critical hit because hit chance replace: pet undine, doombear or books of accuracy (I do not know , exactly how are called in English)

    now when you use gunpowder usually have 100% accuracy, but when you use an additional doombear and books you have max hit do enemy
    if you use two things may sometimes books do not give anything so you must look , but how you use another pet books will certainly improve your damage
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  6. I use 13 % critical instead of 7 % hit chance,that I have and I win most of the 1 vs 1 fights so far,as well I use Phobos pet but yeah,I use Hailstorms in short range or in border fight
    Also the critical GEM will be more effective with bloodlust activated so yeah,critical better :)
  7. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    So everything is just the same except with the variation.

    Then what is the promised 5% increase in damage about? As far as I know variation causes your damage to go both ways.
    Since accuracy is still capped at 100%, this in fact does not cause any overall change in damage.

    That means there is incorrect information in the patch notes?!
  8. ..Diego...[ZSB]

    ..Diego...[ZSB] Forum Greenhorn

    yes critical better :D if you have Tubbok you use this pet is better than Phobos

    I don't know how is in this forum but Arbitrary variation this is your bonus from BP for free:D
    your damages are not lower than before the change
  9. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    In other words, after the update your mean damage is not any lower, and not any higher either.
    All other calculations remain the same.

    Am I correct about this?
  10. yes,but unfortunately I didn't get this pet when I had the chance :(
  11. ..Diego...[ZSB]

    ..Diego...[ZSB] Forum Greenhorn

    before you have had a constant damage at the accuracy 100 %
    e.g. 10000 damage

    now you have this same + additional % range 0-5%
    e.g your damage in the interval 10001-10500dmg

  12. WakaLaka

    WakaLaka Forum Apprentice

    Thanks. I suppose you have observed and determined this yourself since there is no official explanation.

    I wonder if there will ever be any official formula or whatnot.

    Please close this thread. 12 posts is enough "clarification."

    Thanks a lot especially Diego.
  13. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As requested.

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