Admiral Revenge

Discussion in 'Help' started by -redak-, Sep 11, 2017.

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  1. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author


    I shot an admiral revenge. Maybe 4 million of its HP.

    Then I got disturbed, because some enemy wanted to play with me (and not in a friendly way), so I got sunk and the admiral repaired fully.

    Nevertheless, I still received pearls when it was sunk, which surprised me (in a positive way of course).

    But how come?

  2. This has been forwarded. We do appreciate your honesty about it.
  3. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    your sure it repaired full ?. Revenges usally do not last long on the water, most time while attacking players are also shooting the revenge.
  4. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    I'm 100% sure. I repped and sailed out to find it again, because I assumed it would sail for several minutes before it started reparing (like the admiral lucia), only to discover it was fully repaired (I activated a Seer's Vision).

    Nonetheless, when it was eventually shot down, I received a full pearl reward for the damage I has caused.

    P.s.: I play during the middle of the night (because I'm currently living in another time zone than my usual server) and there was literally NOBODY on the water...

    Otherwise, I agree with you. During busy hours it would be gone in a second.
  5. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    If the admiral fully repairs then maybe the pearl reward is reset? Not sure if it is suppose to work that way
  6. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    I doubt it is supposed to work like that, and I assume that either a) it is a glitch or b) the players who eventually did shoot it down did not receive their full rewards for the HP that I took away from it initially.
  7. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    The way admirals tend to work, is that the reward is split by damage share. Now, repairing does not remove your damage you have done on the admiral, it just increases the amount of damage done in total, so your share is lowered.

    NPC has 100m HP, gives 1m pearls.
    Which means 1m damage done would be 10k pearls.
    If you did 10m Damage, you would get 100k pearls.

    If you did 10m Damage, then it repaired and you did not shoot it again, it would change to:
    1m damage = 9,090 pearls.
    So your 10m damage you would get 90.9k pearls.
    Why its like this on admirals I do not know. I know for instance the Usurper, if it repairs even 1 HP, all damage done to it previously is lost.

    MAMMOTH^JACK likes this.
  8. -redak-

    -redak- Active Author

    Thanks Arky.

    That is a plausible explanation, even if it is not the best or most logical way to set it up in my opinion.
  9. Deloops

    Deloops User

    As this has been resolved.

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