Again...daily missions and new map levels

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Jul 8, 2023.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    I hate quest's, I truly do, more than anything..... I never did em and had no need for it either. Now I'm "forced to",

    if I want to stick with going up in lvl. Which I'm ok with, but then there's this fact

    for those of us who have a life outside of seafight and/or don't use bots, we sort of have

    x amount of time in the day apart from sleep, work, everyday life and so on. I completed

    for the first time both quests required before pirate test lvl 51. It took me 6 hours.....

    Oh yeah :D this is supposed to be done every day :D :D :D :D until we get enough tokens

    to be able to complete 1 level, looolllllll. Then i wounder....Do Bigpoint time estimate

    based on illegal players who just press a button on their 3-part program before they go

    to work / school / go to bed for the evening? I suggest that since you are so fond of

    money, you can do as in the past, an alternative to pay to level up if you don't want to

    take the pirate test with your own efforts.... Because we honest players have 0 advantage

    in this what so ever really.......
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Thank you for your feedback, we will pass it onto the appropriate party.

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