Again Problems

Discussion in 'Help' started by Black*Machine{GR_PA}, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. Black*Machine{GR_PA}

    Black*Machine{GR_PA} Forum Apprentice

    Again serious lag on 14/166 this is getting beyond a joke how on earth are we suppose to play events and fight enemy's when the game don't even want to respond to what we asking it to do ... please pass this on and tell the Dev team to look at upgrading there Servers they make enough money from all of us....

    I Know seems like am having a rant but i just want to be able to play the game without having problems #Compensation #Lost8hours #UpgradeYourServers #Lagg

    TEX~BULL User

    I will pass this along, but this is the only report I have received all afternoon/evening. Not being funny but have you cleared your cache and cookies? Believe it or not sometimes it actually works.

  3. Black*Machine{GR_PA}

    Black*Machine{GR_PA} Forum Apprentice

    Yes i have cleared everything and it is not just me who has this problem its 90% of the server
  4. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Hello Pirate,

    Thank you for your feedback which shall be forwarded.

  5. Black*Machine{GR_PA}

    Black*Machine{GR_PA} Forum Apprentice

    Thank you very much just a shame we all lose time and effort to try and play it seems to happen every day between now and 5am restart
  6. IceBull3t

    IceBull3t Forum Apprentice

    LAGGGG , again and again and again, in the past few days you have few hours where you have lag , like 3-4 times per day 30-60 minutes, stop doing what you are doing at that time and rollback to a better version of this game.

    We bought package with lots of Euro and we are loosing them and this game is working from bad to very bad.

    STOP implementing stuff or changing things to this game if you are incompetent to proper optimize them.
    Black*Machine{GR_PA} likes this.
  7. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Once again this has been forwarded.


    TEX~BULL User

    As the Op has responded and the issue forwarded I shall close:

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