AMS update 1 and Seafight ship castel text

Discussion in 'Help' started by ░§ΦD▓►, Apr 6, 2014.

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  1. ░§ΦD▓►

    ░§ΦD▓► Someday Author


    I got some upgrads in centerboard. Now the text saying this: "Takes effect on normall or damaged". What means it should always take effect. So I liked it bought it but it whas not looking to work.

    So I got over to the forum and found the ams update 1 saying that it has been changed. And the speed has been set to damaged only. So I really feel crappy over this because I got scammed in a certain way by the game.

    So I got this qeustion if the text could be changed for other peeps and if it is possible to reset that particulair skill and refund the pearls of it. Because it is really bad that it says something else than it does. And it costed me some money.

    My user id: 39/15477437
    SERVER: GB1/England 1

  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    I have forwarded your feedback to the appropriate people.

    Please be advised that no changes can be made to any castles purchased at this time.
