Another Castle Upgrade Question

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, Aug 30, 2017.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    In the old castles you could get a popup that showed what all the levels gave you. Now you only see that when you click the Upgrade link. The problem is that if your item is already at the same level as your slot, you can't hit the upgade link, it inactive. I would like to know what an upgrade will gain me before I upgrade the slot for it. Why do we have to blindley upgrade the slot before we can determine if the castle upgrade is what we want? Or is there some other way to get this info without having to click the Upgrade link?

    Note, someone posting it to the forum is not what I'm loking for, I want an ingame method that can be done on demand at any time, like we were able to do before.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    Since you are not able to put say a lvl 5 castle into a lvl 4 slot or lvl 8 castle into a lvl 7 slot then you need to upgrade at least 1 slot to higher level first anyway. If you then change the castle you wish to view into a higher level slot then you will be able to view upgrade options for it without having to complete the upgrade. Not ideal but only way to view them atm as far as i have found.

    They will prob patch it soon to allow the upgrade viewing
  3. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    It has already been discussed on Discord with the developers.
  4. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    @Mac, If the upgraded castle isn't worth doing then the upgrade to the slot is not needed either. Hopefully they will change this so that all info is available before any pearls need to be spent.

    @Destruction, Has the discussion resulted in a solution? What were the results of this discussion?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    The discussion was just a brief mention the one of the developers via Discord that there should be a away to see all stats of all levels of all castles, regardless of how many you own. They have taken it into consideration and I would expect this feature will be added soon, as it seems short-sighted for it not to be implemented initially when the new castle update took place.

    Bawdyn likes this.
  6. yzer_man

    yzer_man Someday Author

    yes, why can't you see what you are upgrading too? where is the extra sail castle located and at what level? can't you guys post a thread that shows all the castles and all the available items and their upgrade levels and what they actually do? really confusing and really frustrating. what was wrong with the old castle system? now you gotta go to safe haven to deal with any castle issues....terrible "downgrade" of the whole system if you ask me....
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