ARKY need your input

Discussion in 'Help' started by ♥§ea§♥, Jan 30, 2018.

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  1. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    I read a post a few months ago that had the info on the mr.cotton pet and how it affected your hitting but i cant find it now, can you please give me your input on what the Special: Apatite (+1,000 Elite Ammo Bonus) actually does. Will it make you hit only 1000 harder or does that calculate in to a percentage? Thank you
  2. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    That special gem will increase your damage by a flat 1000 whenever you are using Elite Ammo, every shot (depending on Hit Probability).

    If you have the Ferocious Bookkeeper castle in the Gundeck Castle, this value can be increased by up to 8% (1080), this castle also increases the extra damage you gain from the Elite ammunition bonus on your cannons.

    ♥§ea§♥ likes this.
  3. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    is that each cannonball or just shot? and if im hitting for 80k that will make me hit for 81k roughly right?
  4. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Per Shot. Yes, if you were hitting 80000 and you had 100% Hit Probability you would hit 81000, if you had 50% Hit Probability it would be 80500 (50% of the 1000).

    Keep in mind it may be hard to notice this however as your random 0-5% damage fluctuation may make it hard to see

  5. ♥§ea§♥

    ♥§ea§♥ Advanced

    so it aint really that good then. Thank you arky
  6. If you wish to speak to Arky directly, please contact him through his personal email here in the Forum. This is a Forum, and all are welcome to reply.

    As this has been answered

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