Atlantis - Submarine Propellers

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Rymar, Oct 1, 2022.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Submarine Propellers

    Your submarine need some additional speed points? Your sails wont work under the water? We've got a solution! Submarine propellers! Propellers will provide your Submarine with additional speed and with some conditions meet even greater speed! Load them on your submarine and discover the depths of Atlantis!

    You can equip your propellers by going to Ship Overview -> Ship equipment -> Propellers


    Voodoo Drive MKI


    The more mojo, the more speed!

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +10 Speed Points

    Additional effect:

    +10 Speed Points

    Requirement: Your Submarine must have at least 1 Voodoo Point

    Voodoo Drive MKII


    Even more speed for if you got the voodoo mojo!

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +15 Speed Points

    Additional effect:

    +15 Speed Points

    Requirement: Your Submarine must have at least 1 Voodoo Point

    Voodoo Drive MKIII


    Become the speedy Voodoo magician!

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +20 Speed Points

    Additional effect:

    +20 Speed Points

    Requirement: Your Submarine must have at least 1 Voodoo Point

    Silent Run MKI


    A sneaky little propeller.

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +10 Speed Points

    Additional effect:

    +25 Speed Points

    Requirement: Your Submarine must be under the Stealth mode.

    Silent Run MKII


    They won't hear you coming.

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +15 Speed Points

    Additional effect:

    +25 Speed Points

    Requirement: Your Submarine must be under the Stealth mode.

    Silent Run MKIII


    Be a propeller ninja!

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +20 Speed Points

    Additional effect:

    +40 Speed Points

    Requirement: Your Submarine must be under the Stealth mode.

    Atlantean Drive MKI


    A good propeller ...eller ...eller

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +15 Speed Points

    Atlantean Drive MKII


    A better version of the good propeller, that makes you go fast!

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +25 Speed Points

    Atlantean Drive MKIII


    The flash would be envious.

    This propeller will provide you with additional speed:

    +35 Speed Points