Atlantis - The Road Less Traveled

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Tylersgma1999, Sep 18, 2024 at 1:48 AM.

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  1. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    The quest in Atlantis, The Road Less Traveled - requires 1500 Alethys reputation (I have 450 reputation but cannot earn anymore). How do I earn this reputation? I need some help, thanks.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tylersgma1999!

    You will have to repeat Testing Times quest for several days - until you gain enough reputation.

    There is no other way around it.

  3. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    I don't think you understand, I have not had that quest in a long time. I see you are able to get 450 alethys reputation from the Testing Times, and that is what I have on record. I can't believe BP has messed up these quests like this again. So now what do I do?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I do understand, you will have to do several Daily quests in Atlantis to gather full reputation required for your next quest.

    The quest is right there:


    No daily quests done = no reputation = no next quest

    It is your choice if you want to do it or no.

    If such quest do not display at your end please provide us with your server and user ID.
