Attack Speed

Discussion in 'Help' started by ]-HELLBOY-[, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. ]-HELLBOY-[

    ]-HELLBOY-[ Forum Apprentice

    Why is my attack speed slower than usual.. i thought powder monkey has already been removed from the game and i have upgraded my ship's castle for the attack speed to maximum but still it's slower than usual.. Please can you guys try and have a check if there's any problem?

    Global Asia 1
  2. Mirage2000

    Mirage2000 Someday Author

    nope powder monkey have not been removed in fact powder monkey now are cabin boys u can find them at tavern pirates scroll down to the last
    ~turnip~ likes this.
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    It appears you have no powder monkies or cabin boys aboard your ship. This will reduce your firing speed.

    You can find more information here
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