Aura of Protection

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by メĢryþħδηş·❦·ϖíñgメ, Jul 21, 2023.

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  1. So I think its time to increase Volatile Aura of Protection to 14 and the Durable Aura of Protection to 7.
  2. malesefyeniden

    malesefyeniden Forum Greenhorn

    No way!
    It's bad enough as is.
    It's a pirate game after all, hiding under protection makes no sense at all.
    You wanna make rewards, you gotta fight to get those.

    Aura of Protection is a cowards' way out and shouldn't even be in the game.
  3. sdgcsdgc

    sdgcsdgc Forum Greenhorn

    Its always easy to bully the weak. Maybe we can buy those in game. It would be nice for those who isnt interested in PvP
  4. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    True. And those who dont want be in auro,they can choose this. We dont want be sunked by enemies,bots ship while doing test or other things.:p
  5. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    We have the last laugh on pirates spending lots of money in this game.;)
    sdgcsdgc likes this.
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