Aura of Protection

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by •ßurning♥Ångel•{WWÅ}, Oct 5, 2023.

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  1. I think the Aura of Protection should be increased. Double of each would be better. I know some people hate them, but for a lot of us this would be better.
    The*Defiant, sail-ing and Bawdyn like this.
  2. phatty-Boastrike

    phatty-Boastrike Junior Expert

    Aaarrgghh! matey, i believe you get one every day, so long as you use one. but not always.
  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I think he's saying to change it to be able to hold more than 8 of them at a time.
    phatty-Boastrike likes this.
  4. *LittleBustaRhymes*

    *LittleBustaRhymes* Forum Apprentice

    there is a server for those who dont want to play pvp
  5. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    And many many of us that have no interest in starting again on a new server. I don't mind real players taking me on, but the constant attack bots makes it almost impossible to do anything without the aura.
  6. *LittleBustaRhymes*

    *LittleBustaRhymes* Forum Apprentice

    you signed up for a PvP game and now you want it changed to PvE?
  7. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Read my post again. I never said anything about changing the server, I said I'm not going to change to a different server. I was just agreeing with the original poster that having more auras would help (in my case to coexisting with the attack bots). When I signed up for this game, there were no bots. ;)
    The*Defiant likes this.
  8. *Sinister1*

    *Sinister1* Someday Author

    totally agree with you!!
    Bawdyn likes this.
  9. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    The Durable Aura of protection is good for three hours. Might want to use it instead of the Volatile Aura.
  10. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    You only get two of those and they only get replaced maybe once a week, not every day like the basic one.
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