Auras of Protection

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by SKS[BadPassaro], Jan 9, 2025.

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  1. SKS[BadPassaro]

    SKS[BadPassaro] Forum Greenhorn

    I was a few years without playing and now I found out there's PVE items.

    Volatile Aura of Protection (max stack: 8)
    Durable Aura of Protection (max stack: 2)

    I have 10 of the first (somehow :cool: )
    and only 1 of the second.

    I've heard that I get some weekly and the other daily.
    is this true? Which one is it?
    If not, is how can I farm it?
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy SKS[BadPassaro]!

    My apologies for a small mistake within that FAQ (already corrected), maximum of Volatile Aura = 5, Durable Aura = 1.

    Auras can be obtained from a login bonus (1x Volatile per day and 1x Durable per week) as well as some lower level pirate quests / tests.

    Sometimes Auras can be won during events too (for example the ongoing event).

    Aura protect you from being attacked by players, but causing any form of PvP action will deactivate your "bubble".

    This can be done by:

    - DoT (Damage Over Time)
    - Explosion (Tortuga, All sort of Mines)
    - Attacking another player
    - Attacking a sentinel
    Please be aware that once your stack limit of Auras has been reached (5x Volatile, 1x Durable) you won't receive them when accepting your login bonus - this do not apply to Auras obtained from quests, these will simply add up on top of what you've got.

    Hope this helps.

  3. SKS[BadPassaro]

    SKS[BadPassaro] Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you Rymar.

    As a suggestion, I would say that get at least 15-30max.
    If you shoot someone (which can be intentional or not), and also when someone shoots you have 100% flee chance.
    Some of us can only play at the weekends or in a month, normally we stack up buffs login in or farming just enough to have those when we'll play for real, is very sad to only be able to have one single item (since I won't be really playing, I cannot stack more than the limit), that I need it more than once.

    Also is it possible to know which lower level pirate quests are?
    Assuming that are those that even level 20+ can make
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 10, 2025
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I am unable to provide you with the exact quest list but since the Unity release every quest within the game can be repeated - so you can start once again in map 1 no matter what is your current pirate level.

  5. SKS[BadPassaro]

    SKS[BadPassaro] Forum Greenhorn


    Thanks, you can close the post.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I will close this thread.

    Happy Sailing!


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