Suggestion Automating Some Processes

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Hell, Nov 9, 2023.

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  1. Hell

    Hell Forum Greenhorn


    I think automating some steps will make the game more enjoyable.

    Suggest 1: In the captain system, there may be a "get the reward and automatically send the same quest/bonus map again" box next to each slot in the Captain Pier's section.

    Suggest 2: In the captain system, can be sent to open normal chests and event chests for Y time in exchange for X keys.

    Suggest 3: When ready, the option to automatically activate features such as "voodoo hoodoo" and "bastion sentinel" can be added.

    The game will be more fun if these ideas are accepted.
    Crayola- likes this.
  2. Hell

    Hell Forum Greenhorn

    One wonders if anyone in authority is reading these suggestions.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Hell!

    We do read your and your fellow pirate suggestions - don't worry (-:

    However even if we do forward all feedback you guys / gals provide it is not guaranteed to make it "into the game".

  4. Crayola-

    Crayola- Forum Apprentice

    i support this highly and would alleviate tension of folks using bots to try to compete with P2W
  5. Hell

    Hell Forum Greenhorn

    Hi Rymar, although it is not guaranteed to be added to the game, it is pleasing that the ideas are being followed. Let's not forget that automating these processes will reduce the use of bots and it will be more fair if everyone can access them in the game.

    Definitely, as players, we just want to have fun by farming NPCs and fighting players.
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