Background story Battle Points

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Background Story - Battle Points
    The land needs new heroes!

    Much has already been said about the legendary Captain Ron Cuthbert. To say that he was a pirate capable of setting fear into the hearts of admirals and kings tells only half the story. He was also an experienced sea dog and a dab, daring hand at whatever he tried. Together with his crew he sailed from one adventure to another and saw things other pirates can only dream about. He was a leader and shining beacon for all pirates, and his disappearance was a heavy blow for all privateers.

    But enough about that! Those days are now ancient history, and since those glorious times no pirate has dared take on the mantle of Capt´n Cuthbert. But that shameful state is about to end, because the pirate community once again needs an adventure-thirsty pirate and daring leader unafraid to tell the authorities just where they can stick their mast.

    And so a new competition has been established to determine the greatest pirate of our age. And to make it possible a new Battle Points system was conceived. It works like this:


    When you sink an enemy pirate during a sea battle in Seafight, you'll now receive not just experience points, but the new Battle Points as well. Once you hit a certain number of points you'll rise in rank, unlocking more and more new items over time. So alongside fame and glory you'll also be receiving new objects to shiver your enemies' timbers!

    The ranks are broken down into three classes. For the fast pirates among you there are the monthly charts to let you know what rank you've achieved. There are naturally also lists of those who've reached legendary status. Make it to the top of this list and you will rightfully bask in the awe and admiration of all other pirates, feared and honoured in equal measure. The third type is the guild tables which will be introduced shortly. They will reveal the rank of your guild against the all-time greats. Each rank naturally has its own emblem so that you can tell immediately who your opponent is.

    Well, that's all there is to it. More information can be found <here> to keep you abreast of the latest. And one thing is clear: the great Ron Cuthbert would have been proud of you if he'd known you wanted to follow in his footsteps!

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