
Discussion in 'Help' started by LarryMossFBI, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    Hi I was banned, UID in signature can u please provide chat log for my ban.. ty
  2. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    Ok, my 2nd ship has just got a 7day ban for telling someone "no cry" and I am guessing that this is why my main was banned, correct me if i am wrong here... But I had no idea this was a bannable offence...
  3. Doc-Master

    Doc-Master Forum Great Master

    Good Morning!

    As I can see no signature, we will need the server and ship ID to look into this.

    Thank you
  4. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    39/36911773 gb1

    the ban has been lifted but still want to know
  5. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    besides that, ive just had a 1 day ban.. why? done nothing wrong..
  6. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    And a new chat ship was banned today - why? 41859103
  7. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Sorry for the long response time, please continue to wait patiently while I get someone to look into this for you :)
  8. LarryMossFBI

    LarryMossFBI Padavan

    :O rise, never seen ya in the chat section hehe.. thx
  9. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    As you have contacted supported with regards to these chat bans I will close this thread. Please do not post in the forum and contact support, as this simply slows down the response time for all.

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