battle points ?

Discussion in 'Help' started by frankthetank1974, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    is pushing battle point allowed or a breaking of rules ??
    there server I play the same ally do this every other day and no matter how much reported no action taken
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. SazerKING

    SazerKING Junior Expert

    Send it in to support.
  3. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    I did post in a previous post how to fix this so ill wait see ,,but wont hold my breath :oops::oops::oops::rolleyes:
  4. SazerKING

    SazerKING Junior Expert

    Pushing has been something that sadly has been going on ever since I returned to the game in 2014, but its very hard to identify if someone is actually pushing bp or just leaving a guild because of some type of problem the player fight the members then return back. You need proof that the player in questions that is pushing is offering or asking to push, and even if this happens on a 3rd party platform like ts or whatever that´s not proof, the only way you could get legit proof if someone has asked or offered pushing bp is in the ingame chat, mods do look at this very much. So if you report someone that you see pushing perhaps they might take a look at the chat history if there is any proof. I can say that I havent seen anyone pushing the last month. The reason why plenty of players have higher bp than you frank is simply because they fight more, its hard to be nr 1 in bp ranking if you´re going to be in scrolls all day long. Just look at Adan, he´s fighting all the time, that´s why he´s got so high bp :)
  5. I will forward this, Frank. Try turning it in to support again, if you would. As usual, give them all the info. you got. We can at least give it a combined effort.

    frankthetank1974 likes this.
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