Best cannons for Raid Map.

Discussion in 'Help' started by alwayskiller, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. alwayskiller

    alwayskiller Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone i have 60 pounder and voodoo cannons and also admiral..Which one would be better to use in Raid map?
  2. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    It really depends on what you want to achieve within the raid maps.

    If you want to shoot the smaller npc and gain ELP then it is better to use Admiral cannons.

    If you want to achieve decent damage on elite ammo then use as many voodoos as you have and 60s for the rest.

    Personally I have no interest in ELP anymore and use mostly firestorms (gives shortest available reload time but useless for pvp)on small npcs and then hardest hitting cannons on main npc ( doom hammers, devastators, lvl 5 voodoos)

  3. alwayskiller

    alwayskiller Forum Apprentice

    THanks for your reply Mac.Really i was wondering about hollow balls...I dont care for ELP...i want just to shoot stronger and better with hollow.
  4. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    In that case I would tend to use voodoos and if needed 60s. You may not hit just as hard as using admiral cannons but you should see a greater chance of critical hits. Admiral canns tend to hit slightly more using hollow ammo but the critical chance is 20% less than that of voodoos / 60s etc, but the standard difference is not very much more than voodoos and 60s. The main benefit you would have with voodoos and 60s is the better standard of shots if you have to change to elite ammo for the main npc or to defend from attack.

    How many cannons can you currently load on ship?

  5. alwayskiller

    alwayskiller Forum Apprentice

    249 cannons...60 pounder 60 and admiral
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