Best cannons

Discussion in 'Help' started by dapyapi16, Nov 28, 2023.

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  1. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    I got a question.

    Which one is better, Overlord lvl 5 cannons or thunderlord lvl 0?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy dapyapi16!

    First of take look at our Cannon Thread ->
    Overlord & Thunderbolt

    Overlord Cannon is currently one of the most powerful cannon within the game, yes I know Thunderbolt Level 0 have higher base damage than Overlord Level 5 but this is not about the damage in this case. You must consider all aspect of the Cannon: reload time, critical hit chance, critical damage, range etc.

    If you and your friend had full set of Overlord Level 5 and Thunderbolt the one with Overlord Canon Level 5 would have won due to higher critical damage, critical hit probability and special ability of Overlords (Overlords Might).

    You cannot forget that Overlord level 5 are almost at their "peak" while Thunderbolts are still in "level development" so to say.

    In short for a long run Thunderbolts will be much better in the future.

    Hope that answers your query.

    Bawdyn and The*Defiant like this.
  4. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    Got it.

    Thanks a lot mate!

    You may close :)
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As per request.

    Happy Sailing Pirate!


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