
Discussion in 'Help' started by ~Giggles~, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. ~Giggles~

    ~Giggles~ Forum Greenhorn

    What happens if a random player bids over n over n over again almost every hour on the items in the market if u cant beat there gold at all what would happen to that player?

    ANTHONYGALLOWAY Forum Inhabitant

    well if they genially obtained their gold through fair game play, then nothing, but if they've got billions and billions through unfair game play, they'll be subject to sanctions, hope this helps :)
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  3. YachtClub

    YachtClub Forum Apprentice

    Hey mate!

    My advice to you would be to take screen shots of their bidding, try asking around to fellow players, if they know this person then they might be able to let you know if that person is capable of earning that much gold.

    Like Anthony said, if they obtained that gold through fair game play, aka farming gold from npc's, monsters, or from their guild. Then most likely nothing will happen to them. However if they do have their gold as part of a Bug, hack or cheat then it is most logical that they will be removed from the server and their gold repossessed.

    After you have done your research, I would submit your screen shots to support, and file an offical complaint towards that player, if after your research yields zero results to prove this player obtained their money legally.

    Best of luck mate! Although I do hope this player is not using a hack to get their gold, it does make me happy to know that there are players out there that care enough to look into possible buggers, and hackers!

    Happy New Year mates!

    Kind Regards,
    YachtClub :)
  4. Spartan

    Spartan Someday Author

    If you feel a player is illegally finding ways to bid constantly with large amounts of gold please take the ID number and contact the customer care team with which server this player is on,
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