Big Buccaneer

Discussion in 'Help' started by seven~seas, Apr 10, 2014.

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  1. seven~seas

    seven~seas Forum Greenhorn

    hi can someone look into my account plz ive been bidding all day on the Big Buccaneer. the same person seems to win it every time no matter how much i bid.. it all started yesterday when i bid on what i thought was Ogoun Amulet i missed the box and bid on small buccaneer :(:( yes my mistake.. anyway why is the same person winning it every hour ???

    user id 39/17315052
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    It will not help to look at your user id, we would need to look into the person who is winning it every hour.

    Please write to our CCT and include the user name of the person winning or the user id if you do happen to have this.

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