Big problem *must read*

Discussion in 'Help' started by GØĐ•Øƒ•ŴДŘ, Oct 17, 2017.

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  1. GØĐ•Øƒ•ŴДŘ

    GØĐ•Øƒ•ŴДŘ Forum Apprentice

    So when does Bigpoint close their doors for the night and go sleep lol. you guys forget to leave switch on or what ? the rest of the world would like to play this game called seafight. seems like every night at a certain hour seafight does not work at all.. 5 days now cmon. remove events if thats the issue, fix what ever you need to fix people cant enjoy an event they cant play..
    Lady.Wolf, Riker(NZL) and kanesh027 like this.
  2. Lobo*

    Lobo* Forum Apprentice

    Oh look I can't log on yet again and play, please refresh my memory why do I want to spend all this money on a game I never seem to be able to play again?
    Lady.Wolf likes this.
  3. buppingfish

    buppingfish Forum Apprentice

    Why is it that every time I log onto US East Coast server my ship is in flames & everything needs to be reset? When you try to rep the lag is so bad it takes forever. Please sort it out
    Loki1621 and Lady.Wolf like this.
  4. Riker(NZL)

    Riker(NZL) Forum Apprentice

    why do bp never front up and answer our questions? this is the worst service of any product i have ever been involved with wake up bp your customers are leaving
  5. Beorn

    Beorn User


    Our development team is aware of this issues, however we will forward your complaints.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  6. Riker(NZL)

    Riker(NZL) Forum Apprentice

    thank beorn i have allready sent bp a ticket about this their responce has been to close my ticket this means my complant has been rejected (their words) so thanks for nothing bp
  7. this seems to happen with any ticket they respond back with some ridiculous reply and finnish with closing ticket so you cant respond bk to there reply.
    clearly showing there not intrested in any more replys regarding what ever the tickets was sent in regarding.:rolleyes:
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

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