Birthday event: Riddle in Jade!

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Mar 15, 2017.

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  1. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Oh really? I never even tested that because in the FAQ it says:

    In this version it is the same setup as in the normal version but now you have to use the new elemental ammo to get the tiger out of the possessed stone lion. E.g. The Tiger takes possession of the fire lion, you have to use Aqua Ammo to shoot it down directly.

  2. i shoot everything with comfeti but the thing is that the flash have problem with all maps ,it crashes n you loose your emblems
  3. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    If that occurs click the box to send a crash report to Adobe then refresh your browser rather than leaving the map, this retained my game and allowed me to continue to the finish to obtain the final reward.

    I can also confirm that Flares do indeed also work in the Hexxed game, the use of Flares allowed me to complete and win the Guardian Pet. I have never yet bought any of that elemental ammo.
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  4. the thing is that after the crash kick me out of the game n not only ones i lost about 60+ coins n more than 150k ammo
  5. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Sorry to hear that, m8. Your crash was maybe more serious and irrecoverable unlike mine which was only a brief crash, which by luck I somehow managed to recover from.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
  6. ejder123123

    ejder123123 Someday Author

    u want to tell me that those guys who did 2 minutes and 16 seconds is all right???? also what the hell is wrong with people in Armageddon joining and not playing.... also i do a good time and somehow after it takes few more seconds to get back on heaven it counts that time too... not when i kill the tiger... and ... what is wrong with the 3 hours stuck there all the time..?
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  7. LADYDI02

    LADYDI02 Advanced

    isnt the cost for entering group map supose to reset daily ?
  8. unicorndream

    unicorndream Junior Expert

    Was wondering if someone can enlighten me on the hex game. The normal game was no problem. I tried the hex game and using the special ammo on the appropriate stone nothing happened in that no helpers were released so I just gave up as costing too much.
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  9. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    1) Shoot the Tiger with Confetti until he disappears into a stone.

    2) Shoot the stone with the symbol above which indicates it is now bedevilled. (I used normal Flares for both the stones and the lanterns)

    3) When the First lanterns appear, only shoot the corresponding coloured lanterns of the same type as the stone which you have just shot.

    4) The Tiger re-appears. Repeat the Confetti shoot until it disappears again as in step (1)

    5) Repeat step 2 shooting the second stone with the bedevilled symbol.

    6) When the lanterns appear for the second and last time, you should only shoot the corresponding lanterns of both stones that have shot in step 2 and the last stone which you have just hit. (Any order is okay)

    7) Kill the Tiger, game over!

    *Personally, it upsets me at the thought of shooting a beautiful Tiger.:( Good job it's only a game.:)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
    Tylersgma1999 and *KRUCHY* like this.
  10. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Please add more cakes. They are the great thing of the event.
  11. blindluck

    blindluck Forum Pro

    Hi lady Pearl.
    Sorry u feel like that,
    Maybe team up with others,thats bound to help,
    Pearl you have to play your boat to improve it,next month event will be same,as your boat will be,,
    No offence,
    What npc ,below or above 20,
    sounds like a challenge
    and im no where near top 1%,
  12. Deathless-007

    Deathless-007 Active Author

    I kick out from group map last minutes it said i sank my own ship. i sunk by my ship. there 2 attack logs. any idea?
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  13. 丂乇乃ム

    丂乇乃ム Forum Greenhorn

    Foo Dogs in Jadestorm keep going the wrong direction therefore they don't hit the Bedeviled Lions.
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  14. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    tell me about it, they hit the players lol
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  15. 0406776

    0406776 Forum Apprentice

    now they cancelled double damage they were gonna do what the heck i and the rest of my guild were looking forward to it we could have built up so much.
  16. graver

    graver Forum Expert

    ya because apparentlly some players think is un fair in group maps times... and they clearly have no idea what that coulda done for them specially considering im sure they have no chance in group maps times..
  17. carcalete1

    carcalete1 Junior Expert

    I am hoping that they bring back double damage. Hunter/seeker already give poor rewards.
    As for the group map, it all depends, if you get 5 active players you make nice profit, but if there are only 4, or even 3, it's a bad profit.

    Still hoping for double damage event.
  18. sponks

    sponks Regular

    bad profit lol?

    Even if only 3 active players, 30k pearls on 12 minutes is bad profit?
  19. alektra

    alektra Junior Expert

    Wish with so big event they put in kings leagcy in the black market
  20. sponks

    sponks Regular

    They put 50 voodoo cannons in the market and u are still complaining? You got 3 days kings for free already and if u want more go and play bokor. Really what is wrong with u go play tetris and have everything for free ok?
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