Boarding awkwardness

Discussion in 'Help' started by Pagan_Spirit, May 16, 2018.

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  1. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    I just lost boarding an npc and I cant quite explain the numbers and process to myself - maybe u guys have some idea:

    - this isnt the first time it happened, but the first time I cared to actually check

    - aight, so I am under the impression that if one has sufficient numbers of stock (pirate equipment) and pirates, after a boarding it will automatically re-equip the max. numbers possible (if the max. number possible was utilized beforehand, which in my case it was: 361 pirate and 361 of all cheap equipment)

    - the last time I boarded something was:
    15.05.2018 22:32:22
    You received 20 x Pearls.
    15.05.2018 22:32:22
    277xDagger was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    15.05.2018 22:32:22
    277xMatchlock was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    15.05.2018 22:32:22
    277xRegular Pirate was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    15.05.2018 22:32:22
    277xBrigandine was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    15.05.2018 22:32:21
    You boarded Spirit of Athena.

    - now it so happened that:
    16.05.2018 00:59:10
    76xMatchlock was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    16.05.2018 00:59:10
    76xBrigandine was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    16.05.2018 00:59:10
    361xRegular Pirate was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    16.05.2018 00:59:10
    76xDagger was/were removed. Reason: Boarding.
    16.05.2018 00:59:09
    You boarded Verdant Plain.

    - naturally, I lost due to the Verdant Plain boarding value being 10,000 and my approximate boarding value (given the pirates and equipment I lost) being 2,736 (as shown in my boarding log under the Crew section in-game) ... but when I equipped the items lost, were:
    Boarding bonus: 5,016
    Boarding Protection: 4,989.4
    -> I guess this has something do do with the maths of it, nevertheless this isnt my actual problem.

    - the strange thing is that after I lost, my equipment was re-equipped back to the max. possible (361 of everything)

    --> my querry is how/why the heck the system equipped only 76 of my equipment?

    Does this happen to anybody else...?
  2. were you out of equipment
  3. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    nope, still had a load left, thus the auto re-equip to my max of 361 of everything after I lost.
  4. was + it a mix prior like some gold equipmen\ and some pearl
  5. Pagan_Spirit

    Pagan_Spirit Forum Inhabitant

    nope. all gold equipment.
    it was maxed out before and suddenly it wasnt... then it was again!
    I dont get it.... cant explain it to myself.
  6. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


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    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
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