Boarding issue

Discussion in 'Help' started by RaymondRosier, May 3, 2014.

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  1. RaymondRosier

    RaymondRosier Someday Author

    How can players keep boarding and taking my gold, when I can't even place any pirates on my ship. I have tried everything and can't fix this situation. If this is a situation that effects everyone then why not stop boarding until it is fixed. If it just affects me and my ships, then please help me? 40/41983851
    *MI$FIT$* likes this.
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    This issue is affecting many players, however your suggestion to stop the boarding for now will be forwarded as there does appear to be an unfair advantage to some players.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience that this issue is causing.
  3. *MI$FIT$*

    *MI$FIT$* Forum Apprentice

    really were sorry fix it been over a month now u owe me 20 billion in gold cant put my pirates on on board now im lose-in them went from 750 to 450 now there dropping like fly's should of black balled boarding ships as soon as all this horse pucky problem started and put some mods on at night on the weekends to ban all the none English speaking players if that not to much trouble ,,,, this is support ohh were sorry yea pretty much sorry is right
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We know and understand your frustration, but in this case, this is (unfortunately) not something that can be resolved with a quick fix. Our team is hard at work and I know you've already been advised of this, but you will need to continue to remain patient.

    As for the coverage on the chat, this will be reviewed.
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