Boat Tranfers!!

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by ™~☣~ℒüїṧ~☣~™, Sep 1, 2017.

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ADD SHIP Tranfers to diffrant severs for a fee!!

  1. yes

    22 vote(s)
  2. no!!

    6 vote(s)
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  1. YEs i said it!! bp should it add in a small fee for moveing your boat to a diff sever!! if so that could help players who wanna leave and start with there boats in a new sever with new people :D
  2. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    It has been suggested before but it is easier said than done I believe. I would love for this feature to happen though. UK Server is quiet and great for farming, but struggles to bring in many Battle Points.

  3. Tåløи

    Tåløи Forum Greenhorn

    With this idea it would ruin the server merge system that was already implemented by BP. If players could just change their server then some servers would die and others would thrive. And with that being said with changing your server would you go into the new servers hall of fame? Just that alone would cause a headache of work. I think It's a great idea but don't see it ever happening.
  4. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Hey ,

    it has been suggested before like Des said and BP did reply it is " not " possible , what more to say ... imagine whole guild migration to diff server ... several servers could become not activ with may cause a " shutdown "
  5. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    its possible but bp could not cope with the demand of moving them manually so ...they wont :rolleyes:
  6. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    I would like to see only 1 super megaserver .. when the game becomes client and i hope there would not be anymore lag or whatsoever ... imagine you go fight and never strugle to find enemys on maps ... this is my dream for the moment that started being true after the first server merge
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