Bokors Chalice September

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Seren, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Bokors Chalice
    Ahoy Pirates,

    The September Bokor’s Chalice will run from 15th September at 12 noon (CEST) until 30th September 12 noon (CEST). When once again you will have the chance to get the powerful Skullbasher ship design.


    Here are the main prizes which will be automatically booked after the event has ended:

    • 15 x Skullbasher + Emperor's Booty Bag
    • 35 x 10 Voodoo Cannons + King's Booty Bag
    • 30 x 250,000 Normal Voodoo Ammo + King's Booty Bag
    • 30 x 200,000 Soul Eater Ammo + King's Booty Bag
    • 30 X 200,000 Voodoo Penetration Ammo + King's Booty Bag
    All winners of the main prizes listed above will ALSO get the Kings Legacy buff booked to their accounts for 28 days as well as a Booty Bag depending on which main prize they won (see above!)

    The main prize is the Skullbasher ship design. The Skullbasher ship is extremely powerful and has the following stats:

    • Defensive gem Level 12 “Smooth Lapis Lazuli“: 60,000 HP
    • Defensive gem Level 8 “Clear Sapphire“: 40,000 VP
    • Offensive gem Level 15 “Immaculate Ruby“: 15% cannon damage
    • Offensive gem Level 10 “Cut Garnet“: 10% harpoon damage
    • Special gem “Agate“: 50% extra Battle Points.

    If you already own the Skullbasher design and you happen to win it again, you will be booked one of the other main prizes listed above as an alternative.

    For further clarification of this we have the FAQ's which will answer some of your queries. Again as usual we have a discussion thread for you to air your thoughts.

    If you are on a server from a different time zone, especially the USA servers, please ensure that you do not make any purchases, before the event start times.

    To make sure you know exactly when this will start and end, please check the current CEST time by clicking on the link below:

    Your Seafight Team

    RustedBolt likes this.
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