Bonus map/market cove exploiters

Discussion in 'Help' started by -๖ۣۜßuکhWλCƘΣЯ™-, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. does this mean the guys who abused this bug especially the bonus map ones did 100's of virgos and donate pearls to the guil, will these pearls be removed from the guild tag, because i know for a fact that its being abused on UK server while your team is awaiting to dish out remaining bans
    FlynteLocke likes this.
  2. BAD~ROB

    BAD~ROB Forum Apprentice

    My guess is that since BP lost money from the cheat in the first place and will stand to lose more IF and when they ban these people, that they are letting them use up what they got from cheating on the people who don't that way we burn through our ammo and pearls and they recover some of their money.
    *Wonder* likes this.
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    All players that have exploited this will be permanently banned. This will happen as soon as. However we can not comment on what will happen with the pearls or not.

    As there is no further information I can add this post will be closed.

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