Discussion in 'Help' started by ~cyвєг~, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. ~cyвєг~

    ~cyвєг~ Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! I´ve taken a LOT of bonusmaps, without getting HP´s even one single time.. Something must be really WRONG! :( I really dont understand. I must have taken 10 or more bonusmaps, but no hp. Maybe even 15!..
  2. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    The rewards given are random, there really is nothing I can with regards to what end rewards you will receive.
  3. You are very correct about this one Shiver they are indeed given in random order. But I'm still in favor that the rewards are in for review. Take the two more difficult maps Cancer and Sagittarius. It takes me two to three days to finish one of these maps and it isn't a happy feeling if you then get rewarded with 5 x smoke bomb or teleport items. A little creativity from BP and adjusting the rewards to the current level would be favorable.
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    I'll certainly pass this along again :)

    For now though I will close.

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