Booty Bags

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, Aug 26, 2015.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We have pimped the Booty Bags a bit – the content is better now.

    The Lord’s Booty Bag contains the following changes:

    4 Gems between Clear and Cut quality... plus a Chiseled or, with a little luck, perhaps even a Smooth gem!

    The King’s Booty Bag contains:

    4 gems between Cut and Smooth quality... plus a Gleaming" or, with a little luck, perhaps even a Shining gem!

    The Emperor’s Booty Bag contains:

    4 gems between Smooth and Shining quality... , plus a Immaculate or, with a little luck, perhaps even an Polished or rare Special gem!

    We will start another Booty Bag sale with above mentioned content changes.

    The Booty Bags will be available from tomorrow 12 noon (CEST) until the end of the day on Tuesday the 1st September (23:59 CEST).

    The levels of the gems have also been raised by 2 levels.

    Now you will have…

    Lord’s Booty Bag:

    2 x Lev. 8
    1 x Lev. 9
    1 x Lev. 10
    + chance to get a lvl 11 or 12 Gem.

    King’s Booty Bag:

    2 x Lev. 10
    1 x Lev. 11
    1 x Lev. 12
    + chance to get a lvl 13 or 14 Gem

    Emporor’s Booty Bag:

    2 x Lev. 12
    1 x Lev. 13
    + chance to get a lvl 14 or Special Gem
    + chance to get a lvl 15 or 16 Gem

    Your Seafight Team
    King^Of^Death² likes this.
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