botched update ?

Discussion in 'Help' started by frankthetank1974, Aug 29, 2017.

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  1. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    after your castle update,
    why am I missing castle levels ??
    my iron harpoon castle as gone from 7/8 to 6/8
    telescope to 4/8 from 7/8
    cannon loader 4/8 from 7/8
    I want theses replacing asap and a apology if not expect legal action .

    frankthetank1974 39/34682850 seafight uk server
  2. No_Mercy

    No_Mercy Junior Expert

    You should have received pearls due to this downgrade in levels, check your logbook.

    You can upgrade them again for the same amount of pearls you should have received.

    I think bigpoint did this because people were unhappy that the values of cannon loader/harpoon castle/telescope castle have been reduced now at level 8 than they were before the update to level it is your choice if you want to reinvest in them castles.
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Hey Frank,

    In the patchday notes you can find the following:


    You have the pearls credited to your account at about 09:15 this morning, for the exact amount it would cost for you to purchase these Castles back to the Levels you previously had, if you so choose.

  4. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    why did they not just give us the castles then :rolleyes:the logic :confused: number crunching time me thinks, ty for the info anyways
    A-R-K-Y likes this.
  5. Deloops

    Deloops User

    As this has been resolved.

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