
Discussion in 'Help' started by ThisIsTheLongestName, Nov 21, 2018.

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  1. ThisIsTheLongestName

    ThisIsTheLongestName Active Author

    where is it the same ships the same clan bot 24/7 and you run a bit run why is it they still on hitting ships for preals taking the last shoot on the npc to get better rewands i can name 2 clans now that bot eveyday no wonder they ships hit hard you want to start to name and shame the players and the clans and any clan found botting taking the island off them strip the skill points of the ships and BAN the ip address no wonder folk are leaving the game
    Loki162 and The*Defiant like this.

    TEX~BULL User

    Please contact Support with all evidence or suspicions you have of this type of activity. They would have to be the ones to investigate it, Thank you for your coming forward and I hope that you do take anything you have to them. As nothing further can be done here I will close now.

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