Bounty Hunters

Discussion in 'Help' started by -~SHARK~-, Aug 2, 2014.

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  1. -~SHARK~-

    -~SHARK~- Someday Author

    to get 4.8 billion exp is it equal to ammo and other sources you use to get 1 billion exp???
    so how come that they compensate me with same for what they compensate other players and they removed from me 4.8 billion exp and removed from other 1 billion and gave all the same compensation

    support did not help me in this issue and told me that the subject close!!!!
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The compensation has been decided for by the bigpoint developers. Those who had more EXP siezed, got compensated more. But don't worry, your EXP is not in total loss because all the EXP will go into a special ranking where you will recieve a one time badge.

    For more details on this, Click >>here<<

    Has this answered your question? :)
  3. -~SHARK~-

    -~SHARK~- Someday Author

    First of all thanks for your prompt reply
    They already did but its unfair to compensate player removed from him 4'885'732'024 billion exp with the same what they compensate player removed from him 1'044'734'293 exp
    we all in the same rank (Most Wanted - Veterans) and this is wrong
    I spent 4 times what they spent and at the end I got the same compensation?

    its very clear mate getting 4.8 billion exp is not the same 1 billion
  4. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    It is the Developer's decision on how much the compensation amount is, we as Moderators do not have the powers to change this.

    Should you have any more queries in this matter please contact our Customer Care Team.

    As any further queries are directed to Support, I shall close.

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