BP refusing to ban players???

Discussion in 'Help' started by GPMONSTER, Jan 22, 2015.

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    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    ok let me get this right and yes im calling out the MODS for answers ive asked straight out you claim privacy laws but yet mod responds "Im not putting it in general forum" then i see a post a mod explained we know whos cheating but cant do nothing till the script is written
    REALLY!!!!!!! read the forums there there

    so your telling me its ok to cheat because nothing will be done till you paint by numbers developers can figure it out are you kidding me they couldnt catch the so called 10k cheaters you all claimed to have caught last yr that was done by an outside company (fact)
    so how can you all preach to the playing community to do whats right when you yourselfs are stating the opposite to be true
    you say all cheaters will be dealt with nonsense your violating your own terms of service but that explains why you have noted THE ability to change your mind as see fit clause throughout
    and yet you cant figure why so many paying customers are leaving ??? hmmmm

    all i can say is what hypocrites
    good day to you all
    Loki162 and theSmilingDevil like this.
  2. JonnyFive

    JonnyFive Guest

    lmao now they using a long range exploit seen yesterday being shot 20 squares away from guy and been hearing from others same thing about range cheat from some hear on GA1. I guess some get banned and now their friends mad and gonna pick up the pace on the exploiting to prove BP Developers are a joke trying to stop them!
    Loki162 likes this.
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    It is not okay to cheat ever and the bans will be issued. No where has anyone stated that they will not be. It cannot be done with the snap of a finger or the time it takes to write a post. It takes time and will be done as soon as possible. We are players as well and hate to have cheaters plaguing our game.

    As nothing more can be done, this thread will be closed.

    -Ρŕįєşť- likes this.
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