Brokers Chalice

Discussion in 'Help' started by {Beerpatrol-}, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. {Beerpatrol-}

    {Beerpatrol-} Forum Greenhorn

    I just bought crates for the Brokers Chalice, but I dont see anywhere on my home screen to cash them in ????


    ANTHONYGALLOWAY Forum Inhabitant

    The bokor's menu can also be located in Tavern, Bokor's chalice. This is the link i use to throw my crates in :)
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  3. USB~Greybeard

    USB~Greybeard Padavan

    although Bigpoint puts the graphic up for the Bokor's chalice early in the morning of the 15th each month, and you can buy crates in the payment section, the actual place to throw the crates doesn't appear in the Tavern menu until noon eastern time on the US1 server. Bigpoint needs to either put the Chalice in the Tavern menu when they put the layer up or not put the layer up until noon.

    ANTHONYGALLOWAY Forum Inhabitant

    i can confirm that the bokors menu is open in tavern on the GA2 server but it will be 12 noon local server time, so when ever that is, it should be up :)
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    You are all aware that the bokors chalice does no go live until noon local server time, so please do not purchase or attempt to use this until this time is passed. It has always been this time, and many pirates think that to be the first to purchase will give them a slight advantage. This is untrue and causes many problems for the pirates that purchase early.

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