btw chat still not working

Discussion in 'Help' started by Graverattack, May 4, 2017.

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  1. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    chat box is there but it say System: Authorization failed!
  2. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    i know that, thats why i mentioned that chat box is there now but chat not working, before there was no chat box at all
  3. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    something else is there a restart or something goin on? for some reason i cant log in
  4. Graverattack

    Graverattack Padavan

    nvm, i loged in just now, close the freakin thread
    Panthoneum likes this.
  5. ~jerico~

    ~jerico~ Forum Greenhorn

    My chat is still down.
  6. karmitage

    karmitage Forum Apprentice

    Same here

  7. As many of you are aware, at this time there is certain issues with our US chat.

    Our tech team is on it, but unfortunately it will take some time to fix.

    We do apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, and will keep you updated on the progress of this matter.

    Your Seafight Team
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