Buccaneers Bounty Closed?

Discussion in 'Help' started by .THE_RADIANT_LIGHT., Nov 26, 2017.

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  1. Why was the Buccaneers Bounty closed, went to buy the Mombu Design and the Market is no longer there. In the forum the announcement was to have it open to this time - "There will be also a “Buccaneer´s Bounty” (special black market) until Wednesdays, 29th November 12 noon (local server time) and each of these packages will open it."

    User ID: 634/41800351
    Server: Mega America
  2. Beorn

    Beorn User


    Buccaneers Bounty is not closed. There are some technical issues with home page on some servers. IT is aware of the issue but unfortunately due to the fix required it will not be solved before tomorrow morning CET.

    We apologize for any inconveniences this has caused
  3. Okay, Thanks for your reply.
    Lostsail likes this.
  4. *HMS*aZgaRd*

    *HMS*aZgaRd* Someday Author

    Well, with the message in FAQ's stating we will see new items in the Buccaneer Bounty(Special Market) so check often to see new items, how will we get these items if we cant see them. Will we miss out on an item we wanted? How will we know what item we got screwed on? Guess will will have to wait until another player says, hey m8, did you get the 14 days of polished muzzle, then we get to reply, NOPE, never got to see that one in market, there was a "technical issue".
  5. Beorn

    Beorn User

    As this has been answered

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