buck bounty

Discussion in 'Help' started by big~country, Nov 29, 2018.

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  1. big~country

    big~country Someday Author

    so why is the buck bounty so empty not verry much stuff in there no lvl 5 doom upgrade just almost empty and its open till the 4th why is it open so long if there nothing in there
  2. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    ^^ was wondering same thing !
  3. ntc1010

    ntc1010 Forum Apprentice

    first time accesing it and i gotta say im pretty dissapointed too,at least one more design would have been good enough

    TEX~BULL User

    We on the forum are not privy to why the developers do things the way they do. I am sorry but I do not have an answer for this question.

  5. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As there has been no further response, this thread shall be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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