Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by BouH{BG}, Jun 30, 2024 at 2:14 AM.

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  1. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Someday Author

    When I release the Buff from the captain and the ships I shoot with disappear and my ship starts moving strangely, but no one is around me? Why does it happen, but it's not always like this, sometimes it's normal?
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BouH{BG}!

    Could you please explain in a bit more detail what do you mean?

    Full Metal Anchor (your master skill) works quite similar to a smoke bomb - but can be used on yourself stopping your opponents from causing any major damage on you while you can hit them all the time.

  3. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Someday Author

    After I activate the Buff and very often it happens that I don't see the enemies and even ships and animals on the map/as in the picture/. They just disappear and after 5-6 seconds my ship starts to drag itself in some direction? This happened from soon after I changed the captain, but with the same Buff
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I attempted to replicate the issue described by you without any problems at all, if this continue on your end please contact Support.

    As you have been redirected to Support I will close this thread.


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