Buying Ships

Discussion in 'Help' started by twohangmen1, Mar 25, 2014.

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  1. twohangmen1

    twohangmen1 Forum Greenhorn

    I'm not able to buy ships,since I bought a sloop. I try to buy another ship,I get an error message,thats says HT 500. Could I get some help,please.
  2. DΣΜΘN

    DΣΜΘN Forum Apprentice

    i think in order for you to buy other ship designs you must have the elite ship design i could be wrong though
  3. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    What exactly are you trying to buy?
    Could you put the name of the ship & how much it costs?
    if it costs 500k gold
    and is either flora fatale
    or crystal queen i believe you can't purchase these unless you have the elite ship which you can get from the market cove by bidding on it or purchase it with pearls although bidding is the best way

    Also make sure you have the right amount of gold etc.
    otherwise im not sure.
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    If you are trying to purchase gold ships, then we are aware of this problem and this will be resolved shortly. However in the meantime, you may be better off saving your gold to bid on a big bucanneer.