Cabin Boys

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Seren, May 23, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Cabin Boys

    Ahoy Pirates,

    A lot of our players are missing the cabin boys and the reload speed that they are bringing because without them, shooting is not fast enough anymore. As well, some players are still having the cabin boys for a limited time and others not - therefore there’s a disbalance in the game due to this change.

    We discussed this topic a lot and we totally understand the frustration. So why did we remove them without an alternative for you?

    Here’s the answer:
    According to our roadmap planning, we thought that the new skilltree would already be finished at the period when we removed the cabin boys from the game. But unfortunately, we couldn’t make it to schedule and this lack of speed up the reload time happened. When we realized that we need more time, we first had to gather some data and to discuss how to deal with the situation to be able to make a decision.
    Your feedback as well as the recognition that we still need more time for the new skill tree lead to the following decision:

    "We will make the cabin boys available again in the game until the new skill tree is finished and until it can go online with all its possibilities within the game. Thanks to this skill tree feature, you can plan and equip your skills strategically in a way you need them – including the reload speed that you need."

    But as a very important note:

    Please be aware that the cabin boys will be removed from the game once for all with the launch of the new skill tree. But until then, the cabin boys will be available again from time to time in the black market so that you can still get them and use the reload speed to enjoy the game.

    Please also be aware that the cabin boys have a stack limit of 30 days!

    We appreciate your feedback and your engagement to discuss with us. We will keep you informed about this topic as soon as there are news about when exactly the new skill tree will be ready to go live.

    Your Seafight team