Calyhpso event exchange

Discussion in 'Help' started by www, Mar 3, 2015.

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  1. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    It is March 3rd 5 pm in global America 2 and I still have my event keys. When will the exchange take place? (About the souls, I couldn't care less ass I only have 2 radiants left).
  2. ¤Û§§¤§mØkéR¤

    ¤Û§§¤§mØkéR¤ Junior Expert

    Black Market closes: end of the day on 2nd March (LST).

    I took this right off the event announcements the Black Market did close on the exact time it was said it would. It closed midnight of the 2nd. I bought my keys 2 minutes before it closed.
    And to address your second concern BP did not say you will get everything exchanged the second the market is closed; lets take a look at what they said.

    Ahoy Pirates,
    After the Black Market is closed, the souls will be exchanged for Heartbreaker ammo at a ratio of 50 Heartbreaker Ammo per 1 Cursed Soul and 100 Heartbreaker Ammo per 1 Radiant Soul. In addition, the event keys will be exchanged with normal treasure chest keys.
    Your Seafight Team

    So BP said after the market is closed so whenever they do exchange the souls and keys it will be after the market has closed.

    BP will exchange everything as soon as they can.

    Happy sailing :)

    Hope this helps
  3. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Your fellow pirate is correct. The exchange should happen within the next couple days. Please be patient, it will happen.
  4. unknownhunter

    unknownhunter Advanced

    I'm really disappointed actually it should be changed at the same hour the market is closed, i had reset also my skills to open those freaking chests and now i find it useless to play if bp is not able to change the keys just say it before. use to play between 6-7 hours a day now it is 2 days i don't play bp u will lose always more players if u keep doing this sort of things
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Your feedback has been noted. As there is nothing further to be stated on this subject, this post will be closed to prevent it becoming a discussion thread.

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