Calypso doesnt give rewards

Discussion in 'Help' started by grahinho, Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. grahinho

    grahinho Advanced

    Hello. On our server global europe 4, Calypso doesnt give rewards. No one who shoot her got any reward, is this normal?
  2. DiØnA

    DiØnA Someday Author

    same on global 2 , is not possible if i shot 17 k event ammo that i didnt made enough damage to take pearls
  3. I shoot 25k ammo,which means 22500 pearls gone in vain -.-
    give my PEARLS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mates,

    I will pass this along. Thank you for your patience.
  5. plz do it fast,I am sure nobody wants to waste his ammo for nothing and this ammo is expensive is not like flares so do your best,but fast

    Change this idiot of event what the hell
    I have shot 4 calypsos until now and no rewards
    This is unbelievable,really
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 19, 2015
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    May I make a suggestion mate, if you know you're not going to get a reward from the calypso, I would suggest not shooting them. There is no guarantee reimbursement will happen.
  7. As an additional reward, the player who causes the most amount of damage against Calypso will receive a random level 12 Gem!
    Please note: in order to receive a share of the pearl and EXP reward you must cause at least 3% damage against Calypso.
  8. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Thank you mate, this was just posted and is most likely the reason no rewards were issued.
  9. Please change it so that everybody cannot see what map the calypso spawns its impossible to get rewards when 50 ships are teleporting to shoot calypso
  10. the change it
    cause this is not correct,with so many enemies out there u don't know if u will make that 3 % damage,also the calypso/tentacles damage u a lot,u get sunk,u're game gets frozen because of the big lag and bye bye pearls
    this is not correct at all
    previous calypso events were much better
  11. xxx――FreaK――»

    xxx――FreaK――» Someday Author

    i did not receive too its impossible not to cause 3% damage when u shot 15k heartbreaker ammunition =/
  12. exactly m8
  13. grahinho

    grahinho Advanced

    this is madness, why u make 3% dmg? this is some new meta lol. U want players to lose pearls and stuff, so they MUST buy for money, im telling u this, im not putting any money in...
  14. Mean-Soul

    Mean-Soul Someday Author

    this is stupid should be 1%
  15. Mean-Soul

    Mean-Soul Someday Author

    about 50k of my heartbreaker ammo down the drain. =£3.99 worth? Imagen if there was 50 ships shooting and all did 2% each, no one would get anything lol no wait just used 45k heart ammo and nothing
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  16. {CRIXUS}

    {CRIXUS} Someday Author

    Nimitz, rather than telling players to not shoot Events that are not giving the promised rewards, and you state they may not be reimbursed for it, you stop the event until it can be fixed. I know a very small percentage of players read the forum and you have been put on notice that players are wasting thousands of pearls seeking the rewards. Now to deliberately allow this to continue is highly unethical. Pull the Calypsos from the seachart and fix the problem. I'm certain it is not the intent of bp to defraud any player of what they should receive. To allow this to continue, state that you are aware of this, tell them no reimbursement may come, is not right. Fortunately I haven't shot any and will hope that you do the right, just thing. Fix the payout and reimburse the players for what they have lost. If this cannot be done, all Calypsos should be removed until it is. Otherwise you are deliberately taking part in an action that is not giving what was promised.
  17. if I had enough money like some people have to put on their ships,I would pay a good lawyer instead and take this company down,to maybe sell it to someone else or to just shut it down :D
  18. Mean-Soul

    Mean-Soul Someday Author

    there we go again 32k heart ammo an d guess what.. no payout lol....
  19. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Your feedback will all be forwarded. This is the mechanic though and there is not a technical issue at this time.

    As the issue is solved, I will close this thread.

    Please note, your dissatisfaction is being forwarded.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
  20. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    I come with an update. The 3% limit has been removed now from the Calypso. However, no compensation will be given as the game mechanics were working as intended.

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