can i get answer for that ?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Eternal-Servant, Nov 28, 2018.

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  1. Eternal-Servant

    Eternal-Servant Forum Apprentice

    2018-11-28 12:25:00
    You received 300000 x Pearls.
    2018-11-28 12:24:59
    You received -3000 x Crystals.
    2018-11-28 12:24:35
    You received 1500000 x Pearls.
    2018-11-28 12:24:34
    You received -15000 x Crystals.
    2018-11-28 12:23:58
    You received -6500 x Crystals.
    2018-11-28 12:23:58
    You received 650000 x Pearls.
    so these crystals cost 7.500.000 perlas
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    This has taken place from the Scripts mentioned in the
    Scripts announcement.

    During the time you purchased these Crystals they had an incorrect price; 100 Pearls per Crystal, therefore, the crystals have been removed and the Pearls you used to purchase them returned.

  3. Eternal-Servant

    Eternal-Servant Forum Apprentice

    ye i got it but why players need to paid them back, when new market got up, i thought crystals will be 1=100 perlas, so ??
  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The script has removed these crystals because they were the wrong price. Crystals have always been 308 Pearls per Crystal, and it was a mistake that they were available at 100 Pearls per Crystal.

    Once the price had been corrected, those who purchased them at a lower price had to have them transactions reversed as it is not fair on other players who did not purchase them during the incorrect price.

  5. Eternal-Servant

    Eternal-Servant Forum Apprentice

  6. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As this has been answered, this thread shall now be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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